Woo Gee everyone so quite…hush! They are all clawing under their tattered blankets, licking their wounds, little bit of cry with meek tears, go head! Saying “I don’t want be a economist anymore! Wouldn’t be nice all economists dead? So we none-half backed “little knowledge is a huge knowledge” taken over joints, as the old saying goes “ trainee butcher is better killer then the teacher butcher!” Why because fearless, because s/he doesn’t worry so much since they don’t know you see what I mean. So kill kill savagely. I think most economists have cozy safe jobs, so they don’t feel the recession or unemployment that is why they talk so casually, citation each other papers (dare say sometime doggerels, out of flattery). I think they just talk about things they don’t feel or don’t care. Well research paper only doesn’t cap the tap much. Wonder how many economists really go out field research; see real people how they are suffering. They just read news papers, articles and then make comments.
I went out walk on the rain, freezing cold but I enjoyed immensely. Been seeing so many people with dogs and cats (useless), why instead they don’t adapt a child like kittens or puppies. Their eyes like pearls eyes from south sea, gleam with staved love. They melt your cold uncaring hearts. That would be more fun, because the child grows and talking to them, that would be more fun then spend on fortune useless cats and dogs. People have pets purely their own selfishness, unable to love another human being I gather. Or lovable human are not enough around so they choose to love animals. I can understand! I made my pancake, a ready made mix, failed again, hard as like stones, forget a fry pan again. So I ate with it hard rock paper. Compensate with nice glass of wine. I can understand why my pancakes are, will be never same as the “American pancake” because chef is not top chef that is why! By the way, I just went YoTube dug out this pancake, though it looks like not quite same as the American pancake either, hum can’t avoid dairy products completely, all recipes are made from milk, I didn’t know using eggs and lemons. I could try it next time