Greg Mankiw's Blog: Measuring Your Worth (Academics Only)
What a strange thing – that is how academen measuring their worth, wonder why so many them have low-self esteem. It is really doggeries factors, lots of factors left out. I don’t know how they work but, how about x-factors, like the “outerspace” kind of things. Immeasurable force within us. makes us think the way how universal work. I am not sure I am talking correct or not anyway I am right because I say so because I am an immodest beast so what I am saying is not always correct in a norm(?) sense Ok, but I must say I respect good teachers, mind you my forebears laid a foundation of a school. As I am deadly proud of it, so when I see a good teachers I always compare to our little village school teachers- the principal teacher also teaching, spent his salary paid to poor students so that we all can go an excursion! The only teacher(only human probably) ever in my memory never scolded me, my unguided pouring dreadful sometime rude insensitive questions. Who imprinted me love of world of literacy, nature(I excelled biology in my high schools), history, different way of thinking numbers, not an algebra at all but geometry. My questions just come out what I see through my two eyeballs as automation in my tongue. But I also understand teachers also human being same as any profession, same as good managers and bad managers