Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Greg Mankiw's Blog: Kudlow & Company

Greg Mankiw's Blog: Kudlow & Company

From today I too, spend and demand economic thinking, bit wonkish! That makes me safety side, either way I can’t be wrong. So no one knows how much I don’t know, they only know how much I know- this gives me a upper hand – a coolest girl around traps. Pretend is best option where you are not sure. I have been thinking why we have to dragged by this economic? Why can we lethal injection this monster so we can clean our hand from this dirty business! Then what happen, gee scary! How instinctively blur! Yes within all things. Dark confused? No worries, it is all mental power, having not having will be all sorted out free flowing cycle. Everything is cycle, you and me and the economic! Ok here imagery guy popping out TV saying tax holiday is best solution. School backyard congregation. Animation in utero, tax morality! Cool sounds like really smart laic humh! Amazing how world so small, few pantheistic bundles dominants world economy. You can imagine almost 7 billon people in their brain pocket. They all come from same schools, scratch each other back, demand and supply wears nomadic garland each others steps. Income and cooperate tax cut is the key to stimulate economy more effectively ( fast direct) through private and cooperate investment. Any tax cut is good except few areas. At current any well informed person would say government spending too help speed up fixing this monotheistic apparent