Greg Mankiw's Blog: Listen to me squawk
Listen to me I will squawk your brain out of your buzz box! He says. I can tell you everything; start from fiscal policy, it is nothing to do policy at all. Smith says, it is all about distribution of necessaries of life in general, from here you can think the earth has two equal pies, portion all inhabitance, we share! and are you all agree? Than here Smith goes on “… advance the interest of the society, and afford mean to the multiplication of species…” we have had enough this goose doom, we bit nice to ourselves, think about it if you kick the bucket tomorrow all these meaningless craps so think that way, thank to your “god” if you have one or thank to yourself if you “no-god” bless yourself how lucky you re, as you live this buggery chortled providence we call it ourselves home the Earth