Pardoned on your wallet – tyranny gasoline - finally we all know we are enslaved by the master, we hate it but we can not live without it. Hoping someday a shining knight with alternative sword rescues us this dependence --- it is not a yogurt matter it is soul matter! Drops of lewdness everyone’s tongue with a crude station!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Why everyone hates high gas prices
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Prof Dan Ariely's Crazy Hypothesis -- BDSM
Pardoned on your wallet – tyranny gasoline - finally we all know we are enslaved by the master, we hate it but we can not live without it. Hoping someday a shining knight with alternative sword rescues us this dependence --- it is not a yogurt matter it is soul matter! Drops of lewdness everyone’s tongue with a crude station!
Dan Ariely
Pardoned on your wallet – tyranny gasoline - finally we all know we are enslaved by the master, we hate it but we can not live without it. Hoping someday a shining knight with alternative sword rescues us this dependence --- it is not a yogurt matter it is soul matter! Drops of lewdness everyone’s tongue with a crude station!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Greg Mankiw's Blog: LHS, vindicated
Greg Mankiw's Blog: LHS, vindicated
Dear Heaven, Earth and Moon and Sun
He committed unforgivable sin
He engendered and imperiled for our human species
His mind is off the rail track and runs wild
He is undoubtedly mad lots of vile in his tongue
He is a wicked master of devil incarnation
A tyranny of nastiest
Irreclaimability of warrant
Embarked with a grand drops of conceit
Reward him 1000000000000000000 whips at his bum!
Gender role
Dear Heaven, Earth and Moon and Sun
He committed unforgivable sin
He engendered and imperiled for our human species
His mind is off the rail track and runs wild
He is undoubtedly mad lots of vile in his tongue
He is a wicked master of devil incarnation
A tyranny of nastiest
Irreclaimability of warrant
Embarked with a grand drops of conceit
Reward him 1000000000000000000 whips at his bum!
Greg Mankiw's Blog: The GSE Rescue Bill
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Rise your swords, shining faithful knights at their services!
Rise your swords, shining faithful knights at their services to her grace gravely fat sickly dowager! Gee, yes either way good or bad she commends attention the name of trillions. I think she has so much plastic surgery, without any decent exercise just feeding herself up many years, all her organs is going to shut down so need major surgery!
Rise your swords, shining faithful knights at their services to her grace gravely fat sickly dowager! Gee, yes either way good or bad she commends attention the name of trillions. I think she has so much plastic surgery, without any decent exercise just feeding herself up many years, all her organs is going to shut down so need major surgery!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Save My Iced Grande Latte!
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Save the mutton brain, blanketed with a cavemen tool
Congress to Halt Closing of Unprofitable Starbucks – but How? Why? What for?
"Corporations cut unprofitable activities to focus on increasing the bottom line, and returning value to shareholders! --- The name of the game!
“They would need ESL classes and cultural training to learn how to relate to ordinary Americans and function in society.”... What if the say “ the ordinary Americans are not their aspiration?” common fair go! Should learning from MacDonald what is all about the global brand – the colonization!
...we will reverse that trend... but who is going to pay tax for the aid?
Anyway people who drink white Iced Grande Latte is a bosomy, I am hot straight tall black monopoly
Congress to Halt Closing of Unprofitable Starbucks – but How? Why? What for?
"Corporations cut unprofitable activities to focus on increasing the bottom line, and returning value to shareholders! --- The name of the game!
“They would need ESL classes and cultural training to learn how to relate to ordinary Americans and function in society.”... What if the say “ the ordinary Americans are not their aspiration?” common fair go! Should learning from MacDonald what is all about the global brand – the colonization!
...we will reverse that trend... but who is going to pay tax for the aid?
Anyway people who drink white Iced Grande Latte is a bosomy, I am hot straight tall black monopoly
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Resilience
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Resilience: "Resilience - Foundation"
You remove few walking lawless evil nightmares of course bouncing it back. Economy is very much like a “human” need treatment sometime little sometime a major surgery, self –correction and up and down - Economy need a yoga practices, need a universal twist e.g - building up its flexibility! Prevent strains and stiffness!
Foundation is important – without it, it is difficult to deal with the streets. Like me I am hardly sick I am very fit, I have a tank like endurance(Resilience is more correct?) I think, this is come from gene – all our family tall and fit- and years addiction of exercise. AND I was born a village where so many good things – no pollution!
Young's modulus
Credit squeeze
Squeeze exercise
You remove few walking lawless evil nightmares of course bouncing it back. Economy is very much like a “human” need treatment sometime little sometime a major surgery, self –correction and up and down - Economy need a yoga practices, need a universal twist e.g - building up its flexibility! Prevent strains and stiffness!
Foundation is important – without it, it is difficult to deal with the streets. Like me I am hardly sick I am very fit, I have a tank like endurance(Resilience is more correct?) I think, this is come from gene – all our family tall and fit- and years addiction of exercise. AND I was born a village where so many good things – no pollution!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Greg Mankiw's Blog: The View from Chicago
Greg Mankiw's Blog: The View from Essential Window
Gee, stimuli, mutiny mutiny!
You will get the best echoed ripples...
Daniel Fischel
Political party
Gee, stimuli, mutiny mutiny!
You will get the best echoed ripples...
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Cross-Price Elasticity of Demand XII
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Mega surviving techs competition
Flying feet forever – search for gasoline salvation, you only can find your salvation through greenery techs! Wow he finally takes off now!! Probably heading for poles! He might be a mad slave driver!
Single aisle
Airbus A320
Flying feet forever – search for gasoline salvation, you only can find your salvation through greenery techs! Wow he finally takes off now!! Probably heading for poles! He might be a mad slave driver!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Thanks, LBJ
Greg Mankiw's Blog: LBJ Dowager - One tidbit:
What a feed for a dowager over the years, in her advanced years she still commends an affection with her fat hands, with handsome choosy gigolos, she might chocked herself during the peak.
Special purpose entity
SPE Are Often A Clever Way to Raise Debt Levels
Enron scandal
What a feed for a dowager over the years, in her advanced years she still commends an affection with her fat hands, with handsome choosy gigolos, she might chocked herself during the peak.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Time to pass out the WIN buttons
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Winning inviolable non-stop
Now, economy, inflation is beyond dismal. You dare your luck to do nastiest. You are your own twin lodging in your brain. The sum of all the horrors; the disgrace the beggary the pitiable spectacle, all the stupid advance age and this terrible vision will reward for the weapon of your bloody nerdness and will be the best of luck!
Price discrimination
Now, economy, inflation is beyond dismal. You dare your luck to do nastiest. You are your own twin lodging in your brain. The sum of all the horrors; the disgrace the beggary the pitiable spectacle, all the stupid advance age and this terrible vision will reward for the weapon of your bloody nerdness and will be the best of luck!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Greg Mankiw's Blog: From The Daily Show#links
Greg Mankiw's Blog: From The Daily Show#links
Economy all about digging grave yard, who dig more deep who gets the points.There is no right or wrong in economy; everything is right everything is wrong, the point of the view of majority or minority that “only” count. When economy is going well – well no one talk about it. When their wallets on a gate of the graveyard everyone get blood in their eyeballs – bumping Bumper stickers their sockets for the bull terriers barking!! But then that make us so loveable creatures - when you are fighting you are more alive… Economy stupid is stupid stupid economy alalal a mad woman in a mad house.
Why baby are generally happy? Unless they are sick. Because they have no worries. When they cry because they want to eat and their nappy been changed.
If you don’t know much about things that probably make you more happy and an optimistic congenial beauty!
If you know more you would know then you don’t know much about what around you that make you small and unhappy…? Do you think this make you a pessimistic pit-bull?
Mankiw's 10 Principles of economics translated- bla bla bla people are stupid and a basket of Snickersbar, Craniological stupid candybar!!!
Click here Daily Show - the Stupidonomy
Economy all about digging grave yard, who dig more deep who gets the points.There is no right or wrong in economy; everything is right everything is wrong, the point of the view of majority or minority that “only” count. When economy is going well – well no one talk about it. When their wallets on a gate of the graveyard everyone get blood in their eyeballs – bumping Bumper stickers their sockets for the bull terriers barking!! But then that make us so loveable creatures - when you are fighting you are more alive… Economy stupid is stupid stupid economy alalal a mad woman in a mad house.
Why baby are generally happy? Unless they are sick. Because they have no worries. When they cry because they want to eat and their nappy been changed.
If you don’t know much about things that probably make you more happy and an optimistic congenial beauty!
If you know more you would know then you don’t know much about what around you that make you small and unhappy…? Do you think this make you a pessimistic pit-bull?
Greg Mankiw's Blog: A Income Tax Surcharge on Old, Sick People
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Great Mean - Testing
Mean – Testing individual, if they hide their income somewhere; family or Cayman Islands e.g law reform for the provision. Australian we have “ Means-Test”.
And also “The Statute of Frauds 1677, Agreement buying or selling land…required evidence to be writing”.
Means -Test
Welfare state
Superannuation in Australia
Baby boomers
Mean – Testing individual, if they hide their income somewhere; family or Cayman Islands e.g law reform for the provision. Australian we have “ Means-Test”.
And also “The Statute of Frauds 1677, Agreement buying or selling land…required evidence to be writing”.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Cross-Price Elasticity of Demand X
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Because of the Gasoline Price
Risks to civilization, humans and planet Earth - Crzy, Crzy
Earth is choker block so we need another place to live, surely somewhere up there it waiting for us to discover!
Hoping after I die the Earth gone to a madhouse so that I don’t know about her sad madness!
Earth is fundamentally sick; mentally and psychically worn out – too many children, almost 7 billions, will grow fast, she doesn’t have resources to fed them unless she find another…, or and otherwise she might committed a mess suicide - just one BigBang! but then that is too simple way out! Or Or she is mad so she doesn’t have right mind so, gives her childern poison, drown or stave slowly slowly painfully die togther... sad... BUT?
Substitute Good
Risks to civilization, humans and planet Earth
World population
Risks to civilization, humans and planet Earth - Crzy, Crzy
Earth is choker block so we need another place to live, surely somewhere up there it waiting for us to discover!
Hoping after I die the Earth gone to a madhouse so that I don’t know about her sad madness!
Earth is fundamentally sick; mentally and psychically worn out – too many children, almost 7 billions, will grow fast, she doesn’t have resources to fed them unless she find another…, or and otherwise she might committed a mess suicide - just one BigBang! but then that is too simple way out! Or Or she is mad so she doesn’t have right mind so, gives her childern poison, drown or stave slowly slowly painfully die togther... sad... BUT?
Friday, July 18, 2008
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Ed Glaeser on Paul Ehrlich
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Butterfly Strategy
Enchanting Butterflies. I love butterflies, I had so many of them in our old houses, best catch them at midday at summer, because they are resting at the flowers and listening summer songs. You don’t know what I am talking about the summer songs, only you can hear at the moment at the field and gardens. All thing beaming smile silently I think...

Greg Mankiw's Blog: Butterfly Strategy

Female reproductive system (human)
Paul Ehrlich
Edward Glaeser
Butterfly Effect
Political entrepreneur
Strategic Dominance
The Population Bomb
Enchanting Butterflies. I love butterflies, I had so many of them in our old houses, best catch them at midday at summer, because they are resting at the flowers and listening summer songs. You don’t know what I am talking about the summer songs, only you can hear at the moment at the field and gardens. All thing beaming smile silently I think...

Greg Mankiw's Blog: Butterfly Strategy

Greg Mankiw's Blog: Who needs an inflation-targeting central bank when we have Pick n Pay?
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Pricing
Good Try!! I know what you are doing! Fist of bribe - Villainy of seduction, but least summons its intention!

Good Try!! I know what you are doing! Fist of bribe - Villainy of seduction, but least summons its intention!
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Wisdom
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Wisdom
Greg Mankiw - Principles of Economics
"Wisdom" - The word economy comes from the Greek word oikonomos, which means "one who manages a household..." drop off what you are doing - dig economy! Become a cool Wisest! Making lots of money, he must get his PhD economy for managing his money! He can paint his own money!
Milton Friedman
Eastern Philosophy

"Wisdom" - The word economy comes from the Greek word oikonomos, which means "one who manages a household..." drop off what you are doing - dig economy! Become a cool Wisest! Making lots of money, he must get his PhD economy for managing his money! He can paint his own money!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Competition is good for consumers
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Competition is good for consumers

Discounted 0.50cent for the foot in the door, prove yourself as a reliable good worker and bargain again, this time $2.10. Here is another possibilities for an extension market(monopoly!); play cello for $2 and play piano $2(practices and making money same time! if your brother complained the noise, tell him you are “working”! and tell him he doesn’t have the tuning ears!) gathering fruit $2, pick up eggs $2, tidy up your room for $2 and comb grandmamma hair for $2, reading script for $2, change water altar daily $2, changed candles $2, maintaining Four Friends of the Study $2, feed chickens $2, feeding dogs(Yellow (Nuruyingyi (Korean))and Boop(Korean?)) for $2, cut flowers $2, watering orchid for $2 = Sum of $28, discount price altogether $15 weekly, as you don’t have to do them daily! You can buy lots of cartoon book! And ice-cream too! Wowww, gees gees geee…gigs this is very profitable market! Make sure positioned as monopoly yourself! If you brother try to enter the competition, well yell YELLLL….at him with your foghorn voice, saying this is your market!
Personalized marketing
Employment Trends (EMP/TRENDS)

Discounted 0.50cent for the foot in the door, prove yourself as a reliable good worker and bargain again, this time $2.10. Here is another possibilities for an extension market(monopoly!); play cello for $2 and play piano $2(practices and making money same time! if your brother complained the noise, tell him you are “working”! and tell him he doesn’t have the tuning ears!) gathering fruit $2, pick up eggs $2, tidy up your room for $2 and comb grandmamma hair for $2, reading script for $2, change water altar daily $2, changed candles $2, maintaining Four Friends of the Study $2, feed chickens $2, feeding dogs(Yellow (Nuruyingyi (Korean))and Boop(Korean?)) for $2, cut flowers $2, watering orchid for $2 = Sum of $28, discount price altogether $15 weekly, as you don’t have to do them daily! You can buy lots of cartoon book! And ice-cream too! Wowww, gees gees geee…gigs this is very profitable market! Make sure positioned as monopoly yourself! If you brother try to enter the competition, well yell YELLLL….at him with your foghorn voice, saying this is your market!
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Cross-Price Elasticity of Demand IX
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Cross-Price Elasticity of Demand IX - Flying Econo-obnoxious
Korean cars hit the jackpot! Nasty gasoline price good for the Korean car industry! Gasoline, you are a hansome-ist meanness!! High High up up!! He he…
Histroy of the Automobile
Used Car
Korean cars hit the jackpot! Nasty gasoline price good for the Korean car industry! Gasoline, you are a hansome-ist meanness!! High High up up!! He he…
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Greg Mankiw's Blog: It's worked before
Greg Mankiw's Blog: It's worked before
Here is the New Bubblea; Eating and Drinking!
Here is the New Bubblea; Eating and Drinking!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Greg Mankiw's Blog: What I am doing this week
Greg Mankiw's Blog: A Reading for the Pigou Club
Greg Mankiw's Blog: A Reading for the Pigou Club
Fearful madness fortunetelling “Gas”, Let me see your fat face. A lucky face. You are a big nosed Pinot Noir flavored expression only in your night-cap. World now listen your spiral string orchestra, grace of every end of human existence. Gas, recover your memory where you had your price was a scrape of a hanging gallows. I am not envy your greasy eminent face, rather I would like to be a lean and mean rollerblading face-physic.
Pigovian tax
Alarm on carbon trading scheme - Jeffrey Sachs
Health topics
Fearful madness fortunetelling “Gas”, Let me see your fat face. A lucky face. You are a big nosed Pinot Noir flavored expression only in your night-cap. World now listen your spiral string orchestra, grace of every end of human existence. Gas, recover your memory where you had your price was a scrape of a hanging gallows. I am not envy your greasy eminent face, rather I would like to be a lean and mean rollerblading face-physic.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Greg Mankiw's Blog: How to Win the Economist Vote
Greg Mankiw's Blog: How to Win the Economist Vote -Wow, he has a foghorn –Pandering for economists
Hugging the grid amorously

Sale, Election Bargain! HERE is the Exclusive and Sexy 8 for the Nation! Her "Finest" Mind is on your disposal for our nation’s conquest! Here, her Splendors kernel 8 puts on her gallants g-string, ready to dance, drum and bow the string! -- The Asking Price is “few” billions only!!
Hugging the grid amorously

Sale, Election Bargain! HERE is the Exclusive and Sexy 8 for the Nation! Her "Finest" Mind is on your disposal for our nation’s conquest! Here, her Splendors kernel 8 puts on her gallants g-string, ready to dance, drum and bow the string! -- The Asking Price is “few” billions only!!
Greg Mankiw's Blog: On Fannie and Freddie
Greg Mankiw's Blog: On Fannie and Freddie - Getting too fat!
The On Fannie and Freddie cobbling shoes are an outlandish homeowners tagging point
Remarks at the Conference of State Bank Supervisors State Banking Summit and Leadership Conference
Systemic Risk
Financial risk management
Collateralized debt obligation
The On Fannie and Freddie cobbling shoes are an outlandish homeowners tagging point
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Pessimism abounds
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Pessimism abounds - Digging gold from the graveyard
Life is all about cycle – ups and downs!
Contrarian investing
Warren Buffett
Life is all about cycle – ups and downs!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Climate Change All Saved in Here -
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Rogoff joins the Pigou Club: "Rogoff joins the Pigou Club"
A while back, Greg Mankiw gave four reasons not to join the Pigou Club:
1. You deny the existence of these externalities as a type of market failure...
2. You recognize the externalities but you don’t think the government should try to respond to them. You are such a believer in small government that you are willing to live with inferior economic outcomes, such as pollution and congestion.
3. You recognize the externalities, think the government should try to correct them, but think the current low taxes we put on gasoline are sufficient...
4. You recognize the externalities but think the government should try to correct the market failure through regulations (such as CAFE standards) or through market-based solutions that do not raise government revenue (such as cap-and-trade systems)...
The Pigou Club
Bryan Caplan Politely Declines to Join the Pigou Club - Yeah, he might have better ideas!
A while back, Greg Mankiw gave four reasons not to join the Pigou Club:
1. You deny the existence of these externalities as a type of market failure...
2. You recognize the externalities but you don’t think the government should try to respond to them. You are such a believer in small government that you are willing to live with inferior economic outcomes, such as pollution and congestion.
3. You recognize the externalities, think the government should try to correct them, but think the current low taxes we put on gasoline are sufficient...
4. You recognize the externalities but think the government should try to correct the market failure through regulations (such as CAFE standards) or through market-based solutions that do not raise government revenue (such as cap-and-trade systems)...
The Pigou Club
Bryan Caplan Politely Declines to Join the Pigou Club - Yeah, he might have better ideas!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Greg Mankiw's Blog: The Snarkiest - Coolest url of All Time
Greg Mankiw's Blog: The Coolest url of All Time
I think it is a great idea for the Chinese image, all culture events are nice touch feeling. What An enchanting invitation!
Societal psychology is characterised by fifteen key propositions:
1. Human beings need to be studied in a sociocultural context
2. The individual and the collective cannot be separated ontologically
3. The ecology of the environment, its objective characteristics, needs to be studied alongside its mediated reality
4. People create social organizations - but it is the social organizations that recast people
5. Innovation is as much an imperative of the social system of relations to the environment as is conformity
6. The aim of societal psychology is the development of conceptual frameworks or models rather than the forlorn search for invariant laws
7. The need for theoretical pluralism
8. There is a need to maintain a historical perspective
9. Cross-fertilization between societal psychology and the other social sciences is indispensable for the adequate analysis of social phenomena and social systems
10. There is a need for cross-fertilization among societal, developmental, and personality psychologists
11. There is also a need for cross-fertilization between basic and applied research
12. Societal psychology requires a systems approach
13. The study of a social phenomenon requires a multilevel approach, at the macro as well as the micro level
14. We need to accept and examine the implication that there is no such thing as value-free social research
15. We need to adopt a much wider range of research tools
Photo Essay: Revisiting the Most Controversial Olympics of All
Culture of Australia
China Culture
POP CULTURE; The New Colossus: American Culture As Power Export
Symphony of Millions - Melting Love <
I think it is a great idea for the Chinese image, all culture events are nice touch feeling. What An enchanting invitation!
Societal psychology is characterised by fifteen key propositions:
1. Human beings need to be studied in a sociocultural context
2. The individual and the collective cannot be separated ontologically
3. The ecology of the environment, its objective characteristics, needs to be studied alongside its mediated reality
4. People create social organizations - but it is the social organizations that recast people
5. Innovation is as much an imperative of the social system of relations to the environment as is conformity
6. The aim of societal psychology is the development of conceptual frameworks or models rather than the forlorn search for invariant laws
7. The need for theoretical pluralism
8. There is a need to maintain a historical perspective
9. Cross-fertilization between societal psychology and the other social sciences is indispensable for the adequate analysis of social phenomena and social systems
10. There is a need for cross-fertilization among societal, developmental, and personality psychologists
11. There is also a need for cross-fertilization between basic and applied research
12. Societal psychology requires a systems approach
13. The study of a social phenomenon requires a multilevel approach, at the macro as well as the micro level
14. We need to accept and examine the implication that there is no such thing as value-free social research
15. We need to adopt a much wider range of research tools
Symphony of Millions - Melting Love
Greg Mankiw's: Moving down the NX(e) curve
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Moving down the NX(e) curve - International price for brain currency - Mind Bargain, Cycle Sale
Everyone gets bargain: Oversea student can study top universities, USA can attract quality of human resource to build knowledge economy(if they decide to stay at the USA after they finish their education, even they return their own coutnry, good for the building a relationship) without any taxpayer cost; the student bring their own money for fee, lodging etc… the old saying goes; you can eat chickens as well as eggs. But heheh becuase of the economy suffer … in a life you can not get everything what you want. Give some take some, but occasionally you can get everything; a such as…. Let me think… Yes eventually the economy picks its belly up then you get both brain and money. Conquer with knowledge and mind not a gun! The knowledge economy is the lasting comparative advantage!
Related Reading:
Net Export
N Greg Mankiw's Macro Models
Reserve Bank Australia
Economic and Financial Data for the United States
Global Market International Students
Foreign Policy: Your portal to global politics, economics, and ideas
Everyone gets bargain: Oversea student can study top universities, USA can attract quality of human resource to build knowledge economy(if they decide to stay at the USA after they finish their education, even they return their own coutnry, good for the building a relationship) without any taxpayer cost; the student bring their own money for fee, lodging etc… the old saying goes; you can eat chickens as well as eggs. But heheh becuase of the economy suffer … in a life you can not get everything what you want. Give some take some, but occasionally you can get everything; a such as…. Let me think… Yes eventually the economy picks its belly up then you get both brain and money. Conquer with knowledge and mind not a gun! The knowledge economy is the lasting comparative advantage!
Related Reading:
Friday, July 4, 2008
Greg Mankiw's Blog: The Good of Affluence
Greg Mankiw's Blog: The Good of Affluence
Slave of money or Owner of money - The choice is yours!
Happiness, so many happiness written form; ethic sacrifice confrontation dedication appreciation, etc… I am not so sure which one which but question is what is really happiness, what is it? Can I feel, see and can touch? The fleeting moment, I don’t know… must worthwhile looking into the life. Why everything so tangled? Why can they simple as baby smile! I am happy now I just feel. Keep this way then…
Relate Reading
Daniel Kahneman
Happiness economics
Satisfaction with Life Index
Psychologist Produces The First-ever 'World Map Of Happiness
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
Slave of money or Owner of money - The choice is yours!
Happiness, so many happiness written form; ethic sacrifice confrontation dedication appreciation, etc… I am not so sure which one which but question is what is really happiness, what is it? Can I feel, see and can touch? The fleeting moment, I don’t know… must worthwhile looking into the life. Why everything so tangled? Why can they simple as baby smile! I am happy now I just feel. Keep this way then…
Relate Reading
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Every civilization start from the bed room
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Not exactly what they had in mind - "Exactly" what they had in mind
Wow - Wonder how many women fantasized George Bush during their stimulus session – ripple effect.
Spending multiplier; great increase bed room performance – increase people's happiness - increase productivity at the work –– Decrease inflation – decrease unemployment – Increase nation's GDP
Wow - Wonder how many women fantasized George Bush during their stimulus session – ripple effect.
Spending multiplier; great increase bed room performance – increase people's happiness - increase productivity at the work –– Decrease inflation – decrease unemployment – Increase nation's GDP
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Machiavellian Entrepreneurs
Machiavellian Entrepreneurs - Survival fitness perfect competition – whores shoes pimps tail, oldest cure-all gentle - manly business
...And when using the power of the state to thwart competition, they can both pretend to be acting in the public interest.-- Yes, indeed best of the public interest that is why the business sustainable forever as long as where the human is.
Noble and virtuous sustainable practice: the baits of living is dolly jolly business!
Relate Readings:
Niccolò Machiavelli
Speech of Captain William Eastwick
...the Treaty of the 25th November, 1838. Let us read Article VIII. It runs thus.In order to
" improve, by every means possible, the growing
" intercourse by the river Indus, Meer Roostum
" Khan promises all co-operation with the other
" powers, in any measures which may be hereafter
" thought necessary for extending and facilitating
" the commerce and navigation of the Indus."
Inevitability of the Conquest of Sindh by the British in 1843
...And when using the power of the state to thwart competition, they can both pretend to be acting in the public interest.-- Yes, indeed best of the public interest that is why the business sustainable forever as long as where the human is.
Noble and virtuous sustainable practice: the baits of living is dolly jolly business!
Relate Readings:
...the Treaty of the 25th November, 1838. Let us read Article VIII. It runs thus.In order to
" improve, by every means possible, the growing
" intercourse by the river Indus, Meer Roostum
" Khan promises all co-operation with the other
" powers, in any measures which may be hereafter
" thought necessary for extending and facilitating
" the commerce and navigation of the Indus."
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