Saturday, July 5, 2008

Greg Mankiw's: Moving down the NX(e) curve

Greg Mankiw's Blog: Moving down the NX(e) curve - International price for brain currency - Mind Bargain, Cycle Sale

Everyone gets bargain: Oversea student can study top universities, USA can attract quality of human resource to build knowledge economy(if they decide to stay at the USA after they finish their education, even they return their own coutnry, good for the building a relationship) without any taxpayer cost; the student bring their own money for fee, lodging etc… the old saying goes; you can eat chickens as well as eggs. But heheh becuase of the economy suffer … in a life you can not get everything what you want. Give some take some, but occasionally you can get everything; a such as…. Let me think… Yes eventually the economy picks its belly up then you get both brain and money. Conquer with knowledge and mind not a gun! The knowledge economy is the lasting comparative advantage!

Related Reading:

  • Net Export
  • N Greg Mankiw's Macro Models
  • Reserve Bank Australia
  • Economic and Financial Data for the United States
  • Global Market International Students

  • Foreign Policy: Your portal to global politics, economics, and ideas
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