Allan Sloan joins the Pigou Club:
Having permanently high gas prices would let the market, rather than incomprehensible, loophole-ridden Corporate Average Fuel Economy regulations, make the decisions on what kind of vehicles Americans get to drive. As part of my plan, I'd scrap these CAFÉ standards, abandon the current attempts to force automakers to spend tens of billions of dollars to meet higher fuel-economy standards. Instead, the market, guided by a high gas tax, would rule.
And so do many CEOs:
Members of the Journal’s CEO Council tasked with discussing priorities for the U.S. economy and finance offered several fairly uncontroversial suggestions to the incoming administration: implement a fiscal stimulus plan without worsening the long-term deficit, appoint a panel to address financial regulation, create an economic vision.
Tucked away in the proposal, in the category of long-term tax policy, was this political grenade: “consider raising taxes on gasoline.”
Put high tax, like the “master pieces” painting, I bet most of people buys painting as investment or if museums pieces, all of them keep vault few meter deep down dungeon. Very few permanent display, they don’t have resources for taking out for rotation. How many ordinary people buy paintings? Cool then think about gasoline, make as rare creatures. So who knows gas station attendants become gigolo connoisseurs or real Arabic Sikhs are pumping his oil from golden harem-place gas-station. Then people really need up themselves to get some petrol. So ordinary people justified their pride of being no money for such expensive oil for greenies, so less hurt their pride. Probably Hefty taxing is way of much cheaper and faster then ask car industry “ innovation innovation” making fuel efficient cars, so car industry pours on money, you can not make innovation instant, also only making new car is not solving problems, innovation goes to deep system inside of a company. I have nothing to against union as I have lots experience working with unions but a company can not be competitive where union has strong bargain power for sure. Mean time government vigorously infrastructure of public transportation more readily to available, create jobs where people can work at home or walking distant so on…