Greg Mankiw's Blog: Another Member
Why can’t we make this world as a perfect! It could if people want to that way. state of your mind, as this world never be perfect, least we could try. Every situation you can make it perfect if you want. Actually been thinking how about brain washing and vigorous manipulation of people, then people happy even if they live in a big sag illusion. For example some trash paintings put hefty price tag on, put on an auction, some of people vaingloriously faithfully dissect them as if beauty is their life goal or buy them for investment, and tell the public “master piece” because the price. Well what a shit thing to say. yes their brains are shits so they only think money disposal unit, because they are afraid of saying that these painting are “rubbish” but because of the price and a guy who painted the shit accidently “famous” and dead now so regardless how trashes they might be, worthy of commend beauty because of price. So some crazy guy come out saying “hey all of you, this is rubbish!” He is dead a maggot, no one want him around. He broke the rule of market, dumb back scratch each other. I used to share a studio few painters. Used to joke about how rubbish some of the paintings are, especially abstracts are real trashes, some of these so called art critics even worst. They write about lots of wretchedly garbage articles, called themselves connoisseurs. People follow like flea. Well every body has right to do whatever they called themselves as make their world perfect. Put hefty tax on gasoline let the people make decision whether worthy to buy dirty air or justified themselves the price.