Wow a nice less breeding figures!
…You may have moved to a town, or your village may have grown. Schools, markets and factories are within reach. And suddenly, the incentives change. A tractor can gather the harvest better than children. Your wife may get a factory job—and now her lost wages must be set against the benefits of another baby. Education, thrift and a stake in the future become more important, and these middle-class virtues go hand in hand with smaller families. Education costs money, so you may not be able to afford a large family. Perhaps the state provides a pension and you no longer need children to look after you. And perhaps your wife is no longer willing to bear endless offspring. Higher living standards, better communications and more education enable you to rely on markets and public services, not just yourself and your family.
All nice adjustment accordingly, that is why we human endearing loveable species aren’t’ we? All evolution taken place. You know think about it, why are you having children? Why? because your mother and grandmother did? Or do you have grave responsibility of continuity for mankind? Well most of woman thinks “breeding” is their given sacred right so they have to breed as part of their bargain in this earth. You could have adopt a children from other part of world as if your own instead, or you could service better for humanity if you have more time instead breeding, but then that is your individual choice. You have a strong maternal instinct breed alike a sheep, provide them and educated them then, herding them and when you are getting old, you will expect them visiting your old forks home once a year. Or selfish, self centered, you can enjoy things, selfish yourself do things you could not have if you had children, you have much choice in your life, and investing up all the money might gone to children education etc..Why are you suffering for? And money can buy things; You can buy better g-string and underwear, ice-cream too, can make love all morning too without disrobed, and better health, also you can buy helpers etc… or your wealth can attract much much younger person, so that s/he can looking after you instead of you go old fork home! End of the day you can have a choice of euthanasia too! Your life less constraint as you can control over much more than you have children. Am I selfish? Yes I am indeed, so what! Heehe al al al great feel healthy again!!! Anyway lastly, people who promotion of inconsequence of breeding they think again their glittering empty hypocrisy! And Remember, we all go someday whether you have 5 children or no children! remember that!