Nothingness, and annihilation, engulfing experience. Enigmas of this, yet it deeply compulsion of our own sanctuary. Because of this we go somewhere to end, without these stay stands, water never flow to the stream. I think that is why Buddhist mantra is “empty yourself empty yourself…”You can not empty yourself without yourself annihilation. All these news, people harrowing suffering, drowning and capsizing. When we see through war in eyes of lens, we fantasised and romance with the blood-thirsty wars, hardly yourself impartial seeing all these vivid bloodbath death, and killings are undulated torch for the victories … immense perfect destruction that evokes your deep seated a forbidden lust of vice, you are the carnivorous conquerors, dark beasts of edges with dance with vengeances, you become a perfect self effacing depressive impressive specialist, carry with enigmatic death warrants, romance with voluptuous peoples’ very oblivion. War by no mean jostle and painless, that wouldn’t be a war. Anyway I am just writing bit of my feeling that is all. So I am listening this
You can imagine and you know all your orientation of meanness come to end when you see yourself like this. This image is very similar that I have dream it number of times

This rust colourful image, eerier faces, sorrowfully weathered and determined, starved cobalt sun must has been very thirsty and hungry, is convulsion of human struggles and betray but we human never give up our very own struggles that gives more authentic ourselves.