Saturday, May 30, 2009

Iraqi Love

I like this story immensely. Splendor! Full bloom of vengeance. Story like this, you kill yourself in real authentic. Love is; full of foolishness follies, irrationality and crazy madly deadly. If you don't love me I kill you! Simple is that! Love should be deadly and poisonous. What a hoot! Great... grandpapa days, a papa said to Romeo and Juliet, “nob you two can not make love because both you two families are not ready to breeding line!” So they said to each other, “Well if we can not making love we kill ourselves make them sorry! They will be very sorry top of our dead body! You see Darwin's origin of love. Few centuries later, love is "make them sorry to kill them off all!" Progressive in love. A boy can not have a girl; he goes to the girl's house and planted a love bomb in their garden, under a love tree. Token of love. I can not have her no one can have. Blow love up. Any decent, sound minded and red blooded young man in love, all should be deadly. Great love story. Lots of rational people preaching love, name of money or name of gods. We are creatures in love. We all know how to love in our own perfect selfish way. “Selfless love? Common don’t kidding yourself. No such thing as selfless love. Anyway go back to the story line, he should wear a love-bomb jacket when he goes to see her papa, show him his wired bomb first and saying to him “hello papa you better say “yes huh” otherwise I blow you up, and then surly he gets what he wants, not have to go through this love fiasco. Nice to see self-harming to harm others instead. It is perfect silly crazy in madly in love. That is why we are so loveable. In any case if you are rational and a calculator in your hand in love you are deadly in love! Love conquers all!