Finally here money is sitting in a dark garret and doesn’t respond Fed’s working-guts-out and run wild and free, so Fed go down his knee and is singing Act I.
How cold your little basterdy wild hands are!
O money, will you let me warm your scoundrel heart for going up?
Why go down? It is dark there, you will be a frozen turkey!
You be will there until the thanksgiving for our feast!
The stuffed with hate and skeletons of glees, so
Going up with this night filled with loving whoring-light
Up there full of love thunder on your scrappy field
Please stand firmly on your multiples feet and I will stand by you with my one foot
How I make your multiples 1.2.3….
Plea please wait and tell me what I do for you
How I make you hot? I am the Fed
What I am! who I am? I am the burning Fed I am the desperate Fed
You keep me busy! Work at dungeon day and night, try to make you hot!
In this darkness I am a hot passionate Romeo
You are a icy whore Juliet
Lets build our dream love together
Wow I am a trillionaire!
Full of possibilities
I am a honcho macho
I make you quantitative easing
I buy you ice –cream shoes pearl earrings
I saw you in my nightmare
Full scale of bloodsucking love play
O don’t go down plea please
Tell me my love
How can I please you up up
Tell me
I will do everything