Friday, April 22, 2011

It’s not Science Fiction

Space Command -The Ultimate High Ground

Cool Slinky Drones!!

Drones Drones killer drones up down up down swing swing hawk eyes view drones drones cool killers! Scary scary drones, they are not missing anything, super eyes sonic eyes they can see you inside your blanket when you eat children teardrops! They see you everyday! Be aware be aware when you read of so much science fiction when you are kids this is deviance result of, grown up as wiz-buzzs!

Drones are Gaddafis’ best friends for street play!  Gaddafi Parkinson trembles  trembles tumbles  

Informtion flying around the thousand thousand mildes few scounds!!! HHHHHOOOOO HAAAHAA >>>>HUUUUUUUUU We are comming Gaddafis...after you!!