Mrs. Clinton told NATO ministers that the coalition had acknowledged the transitional council was “a legitimate and important interlocutor for the Libyan people.” She added: “We all need to deepen our engagement with and increase our support for the opposition.”
Finally NATO Allies and Arabs are auctioning Gaddafi future! Here Allies Auction house a dark seedy shadow full of wires phones tagged with countries flags - connected around the world: auction begins with; here is the Gaddafis the most famous Gaddafis, the world brandedof killers, lairs, and thieves committed atrocities last 40 some years, blood in their hands, you will never regret having them for nothing gaining but instant recognition of international stage, that is world brand magic for! Moreover they comes with few cackles travellers accounts and lot of baggage so you don’t worry about their hospitalities and necessities! Ladies and gentles you are doing inhumanity to humanity, ladies and gentleman bidding begins, you can access NATO Allies Gang-ho gong-ho amorous massage with bomb flavour, any bidding? You can have the famous Yankee’s Mac-love with Google combo any bidding? Ok the gentleman near dark sunglass shade behind human rights naggers chaperon with inhumanity oily sniggers, bright purples jackets OK gentlemen sir Yes, You sir Going one any another bidding? Going Two! Any another bidding the famous Gaddafis you never regret that adding the world brand in your portfolio, leverage this opportunity up for efficient frontier! Another bidding Going again Twooooo Going Threeee! Gone to the gentleman with dark sunshade with dodges smile…!
Libyan Freedome Says

Image from Reuters
I get my bargain!!!
Libyan Freedome Says

Image from Reuters
I get my bargain!!!