From now on my title is “INVESTOR” I am not interesting anything else, but want be the queen of market! I am searching for a “Margin of safety”! the Treasure island for searching for margin of safetyyy and abnormal return…! I declared.
O Ha ha haa…that is a great…! Alan answered bit of skeptical smug and tailed his word… how could you do that...?
Well that is why I am digging now to find out which tombs have hidden treasures, all the necropolis… which have full of margin of safety and that make me abnormal return! Hee hee … I will prove you, watch me… pleas please… grumbling brambling…! Do you think other people do the same thing? I asked him meekly.
O that is sound a great… but investing is not just like digging an old graveyard! It is not your infatuation of excavating an archaeological site my dear! Knowing patterns and intuition all these things… and experiences of course! He still skeptical and not fully convinced about my self-crowned investor statue.
Well soon I will know entire things; pattern readings? Yeah no problems! and my snake psyche will guides me all the charts reading from the earth, my mind is octagonal fountain see the dept of the sea and my eagle eyed sky guide me; sight of sounds and the scent of ruins, weathered houses build from strong love, well time bracketed roads and there will be warm spring full of mineral that heading for power to towns cities… bula blua… I can see all these things intuitively…. I will be the queen of market! I will build a stronghold! Hee hee o la la… you have problems with that….? I sing sing song.
Ok my dear sounds great! I give you my millions blessing on your road! Don’t forget maps and time! He fortified wordings.
Billon blessing! What do you think my new statute? I tuft
O grand my dear grand! It is very beautiful day in here, the harbor is very claim! He says.