Here Is My Reading Everything? Everything Reading?
Um what was my own favorite childhood books? Everything, even your face your hand sky milk way I guess! Before I could read they read to me books Andersen’s fables etc., but after that my grandmamma took over my upbringing, everyone surround me were story tellers. Few people were staying in our house permanently, they could tell me all sort of stories; old Korean fables folk tales, heavenly sky angles come down to milk way, meet mortals felling in love…etc, while their preparing food and housework. Something were always happening in our house so had visitors comes and go. They brought exciting news what was going on outside of the village. Sometimes I listened mind boggling stories (having love affair, little mischief etc..) without their knowing. All elders were in family, I was first child born into since 20 or some years since my youngest aunt borne. Hand me down all her books cloths as well and her hair clips, I must say my aunt ended up marrying a family whose business is book publishing in a regional city. As soon as I could read I seized everything whatever I could get. They left me alone my own devises. My grandmamma her way of thinking was every reading were good for me! Can learn from everything even little insects, birds and flowers. I devoured everything from our small school library (hardly called a library compared to cities schools) first few years. Another one was carton books shop, all sort of martial art cartons stuff that I wanted to read but my pocket money couldn’t match insatiable amount I wanted to. So one stage I fancied the carton shop owner’s son, purely wanted to get some freebees. Declare I was going to marry him when I grow up! To my grandmamma’s horror, she correct firmly seriously “No” you are destined to a married a someone etc… not marry carton shop’s boy! Feeding my head! That was why I read so early on even some of adult books from my uncle’s bookshelves. I was fascinated by sex stories, absolutely absorbed by sex; these chapters were I re-read them again, made sure I knew what was all that mean! I wanted to figure them out what I was listening around traps! Put things together! Who doesn’t I was bit early in that area that is all! Always family member bought me books or pocket money for my special events. My most loved stuff were (still) pirates and adventures, jungles stories, old King Arthurs legend, Kings and Knights, Stars, Arabian stories… Livingston and Twain etc., anything foreign lands were absolutely fascinated me. The pictures were vividly remind my heads I built my own images top of that, for example, South Seas pirates, few years back we went South Pacific Turtle Island, was exactly what I was imagined about pirates nest in my head through my reading all these year ago! I studied bible on Sunday my uncle’s church they gave me candies for exchange and I read some old religious texts to my grandmamma for my pocket money until I left for my big city adventures.