But he visualized a moment when purchases might make sense, saying, "If the percentage relationship falls to the 70% to 80% area, buying stocks is likely to work very well for you."
Well, that's where stocks were in late January, when the ratio was 75%. Nothing about that reversion to sanity surprises Buffett, who told Fortune that the shift in the ratio reminds him of investor Ben Graham's statement about the stock market: "In the short run it's a voting machine, but in the long run it's a weighing machine."
Lets build our great portfolio gingerly bigger better way! navigated this awesome sea of debris pick and chose whatever I want. Lets go swelling seas bejeweled my ship with gold pearls, land of promises, pirate ghosts merchant of thieves, prince of devils, brain of macmillans, no-cherub of arrows build my paradise! Nice very nice cool sexy alive indeed feel like already a trillionaire! But where should I spend all the money? That is question!