…Russian sold $billons of worth weapon to Gaddafi. They had years of cosy relationship with Gaddafi while he was terrorising the West. They see they have no chance of having that kind of cosy deal with the incoming Libyan Republic government. Well yes LR have NATO-Allies weapons stores for sure. If Gaddafi in power again the whole region would be bloodbath, – along Silk Road- will unstable. Gaddafi had to rearm, that would be billons billions worth business for Russian, Gaddafi would't buy from NATO-Allies for sure, that is why Russian want Gaddafi in power so that they can sell billons worth of arms to Gaddafi. We have seen during this conflict almost al Gaddafi weapon from Russian made. That is why Russia makes bit of feeble noise round traps. Russian is a parasite; try to exert influence somehow in Libya that is where Gaddafi plays his abysmal chess game. The TNC allies with US- allies, Chinese is much sensible more astute option than re: veto (if it needed), - well yes probably much more dangerous than Russian eventually-- but at current, Chinese is much better option than Russia if I were the TNC. We need to success this revolution; we have to choose to allies who are more effectively help us. The TNC, deal into US-NATO allies, as they have seized billons from Gaddafi that should use as credit for bombing. They won’t be having any fatigue for bombing for sure if their money is not spending!We all agree that a war is expensive, all the NATO-Allies leaderships are all seasonal, they are deeply worry about their internal opinion polls, and well that is democracy! The Libyan Republic, the Libya’s future, all the Libyan people welfare. Few billons mean nothing, it worthwhile to spend for the Libyan people. Well all the US, French and UK allies et al, they have a huge lucrative business for arming and reconstruction for new
We should hope that Russia fails. Mediation was never the correct answer here. NATO, once committed, must prevail by force of arms, as it still could with a modest demonstration of American leadership. Make no mistake: Welcoming Russian intercession between NATO and a military opponent like Libya is nothing less than a massive humiliation for the Western alliance. If the Obama Administration’s misguided worldview favors mediation, whatever happened to the likes of Sweden and Switzerland?
Inserting Russia into the middle of the Libyan war gives it an unmistakable advantage in shaping the TNC, and post-Gaddafi Libya more broadly. Moscow (along with Beijing) has a keen interest and now a real possibility to become far more involved in exploiting Libya’s oil and natural gas resources than at present. This opportunity is something Russia could never have achieved on its own. To be handed it by Obama and Clinton, utterly gratuitously, is breathtaking.
Russia today is a troublemaker, not ideologically as in the Cold War sense, but as a swaggering, international bully boy. Increasingly reverting to authoritarianism domestically, Vladimir Putin’s Russia is, among other things, seeking to re-establish hegemony within the former Soviet Union; meddling in the Middle East; and flying political cover for Iran’s nuclear-weapons program. Ironically, Russia’s international assertiveness cannot be sustained, given its aging, unhealthy and shrinking population and an economy resting on little more than oil and natural gas exports.
How troubling and dangerous it is to see NATO members drifting toward Russia after largely waging and winning the Cold War in Europe precisely to keep it out of Moscow’s clutches. Now some are not only apparently seeking Moscow’s embrace, but the Obama Administration, in cases like Libya, is actively abetting Russia’s efforts.
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Reuters |
He is watching his brother, they fight together front line, all family business, you can imagine what is like to be his watching his own brother fighting his life!
U.S. says up to Libyans whether Gaddafi stays in Libya
Nato will commit to protect Libya civilian as long as they are needed – The Nato chief says
Of course any team work they have agreement and disagreement if not that is not democrac
U.S. says up to Libyans whether Gaddafi stays in Libya
(Reuters) - Muammar Gaddafi must give up power but it is up to the Libyan people to decide whether he would be allowed to remain in Libya, the White House said on Wednesday