There is lots of people worry abut Libyan revolution and after Gaddafi. Fear of they might link with Al Qaeda. In my view, yes there will be problems certainly, but that is normal in any sense any countries has to go through changes after civil war and long period dictatorships. If not that won’t be change. Change is always goes thought storms. Libyan changes would be good. That is depended on peoples( yea there are tribes). When you read Libyan history, their ingrained tribe cultures and rivalry that is normal too, many countries went through same things some centuries earlier. Vast desert, Sahara continent unkind to human existent until oil which is not long ago. Oil made all these Arab tribes urbanized and at financial stage at the world. Libya was one-man-show land, Gaddafi was a Libya, rest of Libyan no more than Gaddafi twinge. 40 years Libyan was deprived, fair share of oil wealth, and keep them in a dark, make sure content enough not thinking anything else. but this bloody technology get out of Gaddafi hands. Bloody Google, as they can see whole world googling around their fingertips and the bloody Facebook impetus inexhaustible new funfair…--ofcourse education, travel world become small-- make impossible whole young people in dark custody. Young people become deadly smart as they know Gaddafi doggedness. Now all the tribe want their fair share of pie too. money can do lots of things in a nomadic sand desert. they want to decent living. Why should they turn into their future anything other than that? That is not make it sense, they know they will lose lot if they do. Now all these Young People, put their life, in front line and fighting for freedom certainly they are not fighting some seedy criminal organisation Al Qaeda. If they lose this war, yes may be. But that is unlikely as it is now! So the world no more insulting Libyan. Blood bathed their soil. Their family and friend been killed front of them, human life was worthless, their homes have been ransacked. Bullet holes debris hurricanes went through. They know then their soil is their only soil left for defend.
Looking into their eyes, you know then who they are. There are no longer Omar or Ahmed, but they are the Libya. The Soul of Libya, Embodiment of Libya. Their powerful survival instinct. No fears, nothing matters anymore. A dark morbid gutted times zone, but they never forget who they are! Ardent survival! The powerful passionate vengeance to the world. They want to powerful Libya. So never ever going to suffer and humiliated by themselves mercy of other counties. They are fighting for themselves, the strong Libya! No one ever decide their faith but themselves only! How? The only way achieve this they have to be powerful, the democracy. Only the democracy will provide the powerful Libya, the independent Libya. They have seen it. Others did it, why not Libya! As the Omar Mukhtar has been the Libya. The powerful Libya will raise from its ashes like the Phoenix!