Sunday, March 21, 2010

Killing in Geometry!

Gosh I really like This Guy! His name is STEVEN STROGATZ! Well this guy is string of eminent in his fancy fan! Come your little cursives brains can kill the cat in here! He says. His fain his main! He is in love in his love twiddle in his cradles! hUP this naked gentleman is really cool. Are you not agree? Any way he is telling us shortest cut our life from in here and there! From birth to death in a second! --By the way I read an article that self-hanging is the most effective form of end your life, it is called a hanging in pole, a geometry killing! If you are thinking of have one! Hey I am not liable in here! -- Love geometry, I found them in everywhere, leaves flowers cloud. Our little school in my village, we had a wonderful teacher, he was a principle too, a small school of course waste not want not. He taught us math and geometry; sometime we went out field trips near mountain and shore, founding geometry in seashells, stones, flowers plant leaves and in your eyes…etc. I know something very significant in geometry; it is a godly form, yes everything has its relations. My attraction geometry is the beauty, wondrous beauty in every form, never thought about that, logic well yes if that is logic then I am very logical which Alan is disagree, very physical glorious beauty. When I write poems, imagination of imagery, abstract forms which relation in every relation, I have a space aircraft in my imagination across milk way bridge, visual form very visual things; horror terror in warriors gowned, they come to me as a mirage of horizon, sometimes puzzle for long time I could not figure these out, but tucked into my mind and all of sudden come to me a real form so I write poem…. Awe, brilliant beauty which I can not described that makes me cry and humble…

Geometry Update: Wikepedia Sacred Geomerty