“Hey you “Ollie” what a wonderful dog you can be a great dog soup! I made a joke, to my dog lover friend's dog. They consider Ollie is their child. They were terribly upset my joke they didn’t talk to me for while. I had to profusely apologized them with my wild un-diplomatic joke. They know Korean eat dog and saying to me, “how could you people so barbaric and primitive!” etc. You can imagine. Your child eaten by another human! Dogs’ life; dog soup (chicken soup), dog barbecue (chicken barbecue), eaten by human! Yes gruesome ideas for people who dearly love dogs, consider they are part of their life. We human are carnivores and eat another carnivores! To eat or to be eaten! Our theme of life!
Wow, I grow up with dogs, as far as my memories goes. One of my earliest memory was, when I was two years old, I was wearing with red skirt with white dots and carried with a succulent pot plant with my dog. I was a strong girl then well still do. I think he( I can not remember but I think “he”) licked my feet so I dropped the pot and it smashed on the ground and I was giggled loudly because of the tickles. Yellow colored, of course very beautiful and smart my dog, my dogs were always beautiful and smart you know(I know later that it was a hybrid mongrel Jindo dog)! His nicely crafted wooden house not far away from the main gate, under a persimmon tree. So some one opened the squawky heavy wooden gates, he was front of the gate. I was always scrubby because of playing with him, so I was told “don’t sitting on the ground!” Don’t feed him while you are having meal! I wonder why then I scare of germs now! A good question! My grandmamma comment was” no man will marry you because you are so scrubby!” it was horrible curse for old days in Korea. Anyway the dog died few years later I think, he ate poison which used for mouse trap, they said. He laid his yellow body didn’t’ move on the garden shade under my window. Opened eyes I could not understand what was going on then, I was calling him but he never wiggled his tail his eyes were blank gaze. Why all the dead animals opened their eyes? I though he was sleep but they said he was poisoned. Un-jo dug a hole, under a pine tree, soft dark soil his golden color fur, buried him at a pine/bamboo forest near house, nice spot for my beautiful dog. At night I could see the forest my window, sometimes moon rise sea and dangled top of trees, my dog would be a heaven and cried for while, one day my little titled cute baby baby little dog appeared, my grandmamma said it was re-incarnation of my dog so my life was move on. Learnt life and death in my early age. Almost always nice spots were occupied by splendidly carved tombstones.
Sleepy village, we had almost every household had dogs, gorgeous baby dogs gave away for free. Seeing sad eyed females’ dogs their baby was taken away. It is nice to be born with human you know! Not everyone eat dogs. Certainly women didn’t, but the thing is “dog soup” consider as a “stamina or aphrodisiac = Viagra”, this were human become animals and their killer instinct begin with. Especially when summer, elderly and (also young) men were sitting under cool tree, looking at the cyanic idle hot summer, boringly aimless waves sparked at the shore and then make them into some of full blooded thinking. Their old habit dies down hard and yearning for their sexual prowess. The universal theme – the song sheet. The continuity of mankind. Viagra=dog soup! - I know all of you are taking Viagra for sure! How many, how often are you taking it? I bet you believe, your pivotal prowess bedroom(outside or any places that matter) performance the barometer of your manhood! Thus the village men were hoping and saying ‘ hey we going to have dog soup and dog barbecue for our tattered drive, squalled rejuvenated our manhood explosively, let’s have dog soup!” It has been a culture and with their whole life so they don’t consider it was as barbaric. I think it was always summer. Their old lusty memory evokes their fading sexual vitality for one last chance of explosion! Are you not agree? I think it is a psychology, mind map, kind of my brain tells me you have to do exercise every single day and it makes you less cranky. Right!
Actually, there was a little feeble goat bearded man who went around brought dogs, I didn’t know then or didn’t think that way but all these dogs end up a big city for dog restaurants. Except breeding dogs. Truly, they didn’t killed village dogs but they exchanged or brought dogs from the dog-man. Least their didn’t eat their own dogs. His bicycle attached threads into dogs’ collars and rid through the villages. An occasion, one of my friend’s dog has been sold by his parent while he was at school, after he was so upset, his father went to reclaim the dog. So when we saw the dog-man hanged around village, we hated him so much, ganged up and through at stones at him while we were hiding in a bush while he was passing isolated road. He was speeding up his bicycle like a sprawled in a mutation. The killing animal usually carried out when we were at school, because we were kind of flees, an eventless backward village any events were incredible jouissance. Everyone knows everything what was going on their neighbors, we knew what went around these exciting events. They can hardly hiding anything from us. We knew everything what was adult talking you know what I mean. We were outsmarting then their hidings.
Bosintang- or Viagra day! When we came back from the school, just knew, the smell, strange greasy unpleasant smell breezed around village, some of other village older men were also hovering around at cool shade then we knew unusual event in the village; a temporary black pot under shades, fuming away feeble steam at the tiger lily nest. Carnivorous beasts and beauty kind of thing. O yes kind of barbeque party in southern summer, at the beach, wooden village communal festive dining table lay out. Bottles of alcohol from our brewery also presented there. Women no where to see but only men; yes men’s aphrodisiac summer party for their dreary dreamy summer nights.
Jouissance! beneficial or not, I think, most of women were against their men eating dogs, because of such an intimate relationships with their dogs. Well still they were waiting for their amours nights, their rifled sexual prowess lover for under cool stars. An ultimate origin of human expression!