Saturday, January 15, 2011


What a great redneck grace! Lined up with finest spirits hangs on CAN-DO-MATE.   Finest humanity and human spirit confession of how beautiful we can be! The beauty we call it humanity! We make it our home!  The tug-boat master amazing mastery performance- what a showing off! He was showing off his finest craftsmanship! What a guy! I love tugboats!  And all these unknown unsung heroes’ bravery shelter for from people these dark dark days and nights, and their generosity encourage us standing up and rebuilt again from ruins.   They are coming with pinnacle of Australian redneck punch-line and Australian soul. The bloody bush fires the bloody floods the blood droughts the bloody mates-ship all shove into bucket of mud into finest goodness which will be the foundation of the bloody fertile lucky country, they called it Australia!  The heroic spirits paves torn bridges and roads, mending rivers and houses and healing our deep wounds too.  The Tough Redneck Queenslander They Indeed Tough Breeders – then you will cry too!

P.S. The best flood cleaning up self-sufficient dresser reward goes to the young guy with gumboot! He is the youngest and the most sensibly self-sufficient dresser! We should all learn from him how to dresses smartly for the buddy-muddy love party

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Who Want be a Trillionaire?

Top Secret!  This is free information, how you to become a trillionaire, not many people have this infomaiton so make sure you should not share with you this secret either! Otherwise you will be blessed! Please click here