Greg Mankiw's Blog: P(Larry Summers at Treasury)
Larry Larry is sizzling on the summer heat on a betting table, how much his worth, what happen if he forget take his feet at the work and only he takes his brain. Or he wears a sock forget a no-sock. Mind you, beware if he gets The Treasury he will have $trillions on his belted money bag for his pocket money, Gee he will be a buck buster! gosh wouldn’t be nice bit share with everyone his candies? Everyone knows he has a huge mouth with huge missiles tongue: he might telling people “hey you, all of old flock, time to go to the oven (or under few meters of concrete!) become graced porcelain souls, your glazing cracks are for your children and their children zenith, plea please” Or “ heated bitches are nailing their man in their back as a seal of acme.” Or “ what a bunch of patty resort rest of you, see what happen economy, economy is the master pieces rascals scumbag of mankind’ creation, therefore we economists are bunch of irascible scooter mouthed blundering gigolos mujahedeen proof nothing revenged nothing located nothing performance nothing obloquy nothing, but rest of you are so dumb-bags you never know what our follies are, we are cyclonal monsoon, so you can't do anything about our paranoid broccoli travestied wiggles