Saturday, October 4, 2008

Greg Mankiw's Blog: More Commentary on the Financial Mess

Greg Mankiw's Blog: More Commentary on the Financial Mess

I wonder from now on where all lechery squadron of word-mangers to go – all Walls St saga finishes and analysis to death and write down, sealed with kisses curses and sent them off to the coffin for burial. Another hilarious event should happen… hoping. I think people are not surprised by anything anymore… wolf and peter story. Should something happen. What else make the world looking into chart and hate and love in economics – all world declared themselves pure economic heterosexuals. You never stray during this gangland raping, never messed around who you are where you stands, we all become insolently gay, fuming volcano mouth with high voltage tongues and beat our own intelligent revolutionary heterosexual economic power house- do you think I know what I am talking about at the moment, sounds cool though I am just kidding myself-

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