Happy Halloween my ass!
Knocking knocking Genie, she carries her pansy plate went down dungeon and
Yelling at the Gate of burning ‘where is my candy Magus ?
I want my Happy Halloween!!
Hillbilly Magus stirring a wheel in his black oven, the last process of roasting for Halloween panacea and ignored her sweetness. Happy Halloween is your ass! He Rambles on.
Genie here Magus! Open the door! She is keep banging the gate,
O that is you come my lovely, want some candies? Finally he opens a gate.
He is adding his recipes in his oven while is stirring delicate sweet sour salty yummy poisonous nasty syrup-candy to Halloween for children, whoever eats this candy, will end up with temperament of my recipes! They will be all evil! He smiled evilly with cool satisfaction.
Please give me some candies? Genie opens her pansy mouth
Magus drops a candy in her mouth “bboiling..g!
And rest of candies put her backpack to the world children and saying
Off you go, to the world for a devil’s advocator!