Sunday, August 11, 2013

Cooking Is Not My League

Cooking is state of mind, you have to have certain attitude and mind set, along with willingness to dos. After watching nice tasty food  of  Korean cooking in here – by the way she is really good, no one in my generation cooking like her for sure, -- I thought  Wow that would be easy, I went out buy some ingredients, I forget something and went out again  few times and  set out journey Korean cooking, Kimchi making-- during process cabbages was  alive again so I gave them lots of salty shower to claim them down, I can not eat you alive! Told them,  that is basic of making kimchi, steam off cabbages spirit and put them into deadly docile state of,  very complex and such hard try--  result of my kimchi  was  a massive tasteless chaos  not edible hooch pooch,   it was incredibly salty strange hybrid!  Never again! Huge disappointment!  In my view it was science and tacit knowledge you need  to do the best! Timing and right amount of, potion of each ingredients. The problems of cooking, using lots of ingredients,  I had is that I dread of handling food in my hand. I deployed wooden spoons and gloves.   Anyway recently  I found things I like steamed or raw broccoli or other vegetables   with Korean chili paste with sesame sea oil, I invented my own receipt, please do not copy of!  I hate tomatoes but I like letters cucumbers green papers carrots  and spinach. Thinking I don’t think the Korean lady is not always tasty her cooking,  surly some times her food would be tasteless in massive form! But I like watch her cooking because her food is very same as childhood food, but not really authentic!  Sigh.....!  

Update: in my view, no one in this age ever make any authentic my home town Korean food, because start with the lady is in New York doesn't have proper ingredients which years to develop with  a proper environment. But I think she is very good, it is sad that I watched  her show and her tasting nice food for herself!