UN is the most well known the gangsters organisation for all the actors fights lies distorting... etc their own interest name of " the world peace and security." UN is often blind, dumb deaf and often crippled by... seedy gangsters representational of their confrontational protecting their own territoriality.
Here is another exampled as criminal Assad UN mouthpieces, he has been lying after lies for this unspeakable criminal terrorist his feeble life while so many Syrian young people and children dies and the countries has been destroying every single day, UN gang stares let him talking and listen him and sitting at the same chamber of repugnance!
Here is evidence this pathetic criminal mouthpiece lying...
Make sure the bottom clips you watch actually what the one of well know FSA Aleppo commander, he is not a al-Qaeda associated and what he he has said his original interviewer what criminal Assad UN mouthpieces lying about, the criminal UN envoy should gargle with his life before his lying front of world!