Ms. Andoni says
that while there are legitimate concerns over the impact on the wider region
should the Assad government fall, this cannot justify support for a regime that
kills civilians.
“Many people
have supported the Syrian regime because of its important role in the region in
countering Israeli expansionism,” she said.
“But the moment
the Syrian people rose, the claim to support it because it is a resistance
state is no longer valid. It does not give the state the right to kill its own
“It’s nice to
know you stand with us but it’s not stopping the massacre,” shouted a refugee
during the French official’s visit. “We don’t want humanitarian help, we want
rocket launchers and weapons.”
Garden of hope, sentimental trees lovers
Syrian people peaceful demonstration hijacked by criminal regime by guns tanks bombs. Police authoritarian states regime like
inevitability of meeting its ending. The Syrian people demand is a due course, a natural phonemes and evolution of civilization. Criminal regime authoritarian mentality is out of date,
their tyrannical tunnel vision unable to see the people rightful demand, so the
regime is dealing with peaceful demonstrators bloody massacre atrocity, naturally
the people picked their guns and ask
outside help. Every country internal political turmoil linked with geopolitical of regional and international
actors. Nothing wrong, whoever they have right to take their own side depended on their
own interests. Whatever you call it, Western conspiracy or… so far the criminal
regime closely allied with
so the incoming new power Syrian may be may not, who knows. However they should know no regime is sustainable who commit in such atrocity to their own people. Progression should not be made without changes.