Saturday, September 1, 2012

Revolutionary Felling In Love At First Sight

Syrian rebel sniper Abu Khaled sitting with his bride Hanan, the nurse who treated his leg wound, during their wedding ceremony in the Saif al-Dawla district of Aleppo. Source: AFP

The 20-year-old remembers falling in love with Hanan "at first sight."

"I saw her at the Coneta school first aid point. From first sight, I loved her. Then I got shot in my leg and she was cleaning my wounds everyday and, day by day, I know her better and love her more," says Abu Khaled, his beard closely trimmed.

So beautiful grand love story, all the blessing and many happiness for the lovers in their  future along with their Syria. Really nice splendors story we all care for and love to hear!  FSA is not only great for fighting criminal regime but also very good at finding love too! Ha haha... very romantic!

Exchange rings, very very beautiful images, their revolutionary wedding gowns are profound symbolic of attire what the young Syrian stand for!  The can not take off their eyes of each other! hahaha...