Sunday, April 10, 2011

Gaddafis are Liars

Gaddafi  believes their own lie, Gaddafis making thing as they go each day everyday that way they think they can  sustain but each day they are telling the world that they are useless liars!  The below is NTY tells the story as:

As the incident of the faked blood shows, the Qaddafi government’s most honest trait might be its lack of pretense to credibility or legitimacy. It lies, but it does not try to be convincing or even consistent.
The below is from the Reuters, who take seriously  Gaddafis habitual lies as they want to NATO stop bombing while they will carried out their own agenda.
Reuters - Muammar Gaddafi has accepted a roadmap for ending the civil war in Libya including an immediate ceasefire, the African Union said on Monday, adding that the issue of his stepping down had also been discussed.
I don’t take AUseriously, they are all dictators by themselves, some of them are financed by Gaddafi.  As not surprise they are all willing participants of Gaddafis' lively liar show which carefully stage planned  by Gaddafis. So if I were NATO I don’t believed them so keep bombing Gaddafis  until Gaddafis  goes…

Especially now, it is crucial period, as  pro-Gaddafi forces inside Ajdabiyah  which is near  Benghazi. NATO should bombing more much more  the east side of Libya, so that Civilian Fighters defend and fight pro-gaddafis force off their back yard. Here NYT report from the Eastern front
“The situation in Ajdabiya, and Misurata in particular, is desperate for those Libyans who are being brutally shelled by the regime,” said Lt. Gen. Charles Bouchard, the Canadian commander of the NATO air operation.

Ha Ha Ha That is right love can be very ingeniously propellants --- the Forces of Free Libya Omnipotent Bomb!!!


Control of Ajdabiya


From CNN

Yes, a great job Ajdabiya  and the Fighters and also many  thanks to the  NATO their great job too!!  I wonder when the world comes to sense arming the Young Civilian Fighters, they are all looks like high school students to me! You know when you re in a position, make this war should end quickly as possible.   The world not holding their heads up as a dark caveman’s conformity but come out as a noble savage!
All these young people, immensely burdensome responsibility for fighting Libyan freedom!! I think the World should arming them! You should give them trust and respect their wishes!