Friday, August 24, 2012

Healthy Rice with Full of Goodness

Image from 123rf

Image from Panoramio

Season of the autumn, all blues sky heartfelt  come to closer,   field of goodness the harvest season, the farmer is looking for his harvest, all the hardship all the pain he endured day and night for his cultivation of his soil, for him the soil is  holy, his soil never betrays him, sometimes drought take away from his belief but soil promises  him another season, that is his duty bound so he commit  his soil, so he knows his soil intimately and humbled by, when  he has a great good season for his rice, the rices in his field  bow to him their heads humbly and sincerely, signed of full of goodness and wisdom, and they ready to serve their  purpose for nourishing for humanity. Confucius teach us humble is virtue and wisdom  Learning from the rice farmer.   I am just saying.