Saturday, September 5, 2009

Godly Laughing Dream

So funny I had a dream early this morning. I was a god amazing. I laid down somewhere in the field and looking at the sky I was laughing so funny. There was lots of people around, where the bible story transformed into scenery. Dark old field, I said to a god that I don’t believe you are a fake. Something like that and I said to lot of thing to the space. Then he(voice) said to me “ you are the god from now on” nice voice, yes that goddammed god voice. And then people worship me, they calling me a god. So start laughing laughing and my body stretched like marshmallow or jelly fishes soft… O like Dail’s melting time serious return series or something excel spread sheets. You do the magic scores, humh… do you think I was in an excel spread sheet do the CAPM for mess return series! So my body spread kind of four corners and I was lengthily drew a laughing security market line or capital market line, or hang around somewhere an efficient frontier tangent and I wake up and was knowing that that was dream but I still laughing, and I feel my body movement because the hilarious of laughing!

Been thinking: While I was running and thinking over where I was in my dream. Actually I was a part of field yes that was right I was part of field, field was a world side of bed (field), soil was nice cotton sheet and no I was par of soil that was right I was part of soil, kind of erotic dream I think of with soil, a god and I, godly soil rutting with space with dreamy dream. Not a bad, a space is my bed I was sleeping a sphere bed. So actually I was god then…? do you think I should believe a god sake of me? If a god ever exist that is right I am a god hahahhah…..

Another thinking: It was a first time I have ever had a dream that I was laughing and still laughing I wake up and was thinking that it is a ridiculous dream but I still was laughing, acutely my body was moving and I felt. I was fully aware it was a dream and I was laughing at same time.