EU Non-lethal reasoning is pluming criminal lethal head - more motivation to the criminal killer!
Lethal vs. non-lethal. #Syria |
None lethal mind of world math; knows how to count children numbers but they don;t know what is economic cost of! More suffering
Children make up roughly 1/2 of the refugees. #Syria |
Benevolence non-lethal world mind knows how to deal lethal cause! Kill more!
Lethal International aid to #Syria |
The result of non-lethal effectiveness 000%! If keep non-lethal i) Russia feel good about its power, no reason give up its power to negotiates US et al, ii) Licence to the criminal assad more to kill under the Russia beneficence protection, iii) while time to preparing Iran et al protecting/supply to criminal assad. vi) wide spill over around region and beyond, now criminal assad call BISCS intervene his killing endeavor! Is this heading to III world of war?