Friday, July 22, 2011

Windfall Arms For The Freedom Fighters

Pentagon mulls NATO request for more U.S. drones in Libya campaign

 (Don Bartletti / Los Angeles Times / January 9, 2010)
... The official said sending more Predator drones would require transferring them from war zones in Afghanistan and Iraq, and counter-terrorism operations elsewhere, ...
Gaddafi booby-trapped his troop a huge oil field Brega, and threatening   suicide blowups Tripoli with its population, and blow up  all NATO-Allies  well yes that is a  precisely terrorist.   I am not surprise implanting landmine civilian areas in Tripoli, he is planning mess destructions. Why?  what right he has he carried out a such atrocity for Libyan people, cost of their blood for cling his  own and his family survival.

 Drones Drones slinky goring drones are my best friends they comes with super tech, killer bombs, sonic eyes and slinky wings,  catches  everthing in their sonic eyes,  Gaddafis hidings,  in his ransacked regime platter,  lose their grips, their runway routes, slink drones goes with moon goes with freedom fighters, flying with bluest sky flying high and come down at your face, never miss anything cross stars rivers deserts, reflection his slinky body at the oasis,  to the world find criminals their hidden place their secrets  their sounds, they are ETs so I love  ETs  they are my friends they are friend of freedom fighters.

This song for all the freedom fighters – our world is bright place to live, just and fair… goodness is prevail…

Libya wants more talks with U.S. and rebels