Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Golden March

Everything Goes Our Way

Going after Gaddafis with cool sunglass   

Source: AFP


Sleep well my friends but when the dewfall pearly  morning comes we wake up and greet the purest sunbeam top of the mountain, see the spatial noble laurels!  


Friday, July 15, 2011 - 11:22 - Libya

Al Jazeera's Anita McNaught reports from Benghazi, the rebel stronghold, where, despite the locals' best efforts to return to normal daily life, a lack of funding is putting everything at risk.

"We have the beginnings of a normal state here," McNaught said, "but behind all that is a big potential crisis."

They need money to keep life going.

If they don't have that cash, they will grind to a halt.

There's a lot of dismay here that a lot of the money pledged by countries - particularly from Middle Eastern countries - has failed to materialise.

Freedom fighters now going to sleep under the sky, stars on their blankets emblems of finest spirits, they can count how many stars on the milkway, there are immense glittering stars, with chirpy smile come to closer look at them and talk to each other finest hours for the night, formed endearing friendship stars and freedom fighters, they are same really, they will never lonely so many stars on madras made their blankets, dreams of the finest thing  they most desire the “ freedom” so they are sleeping with freedom!