It is equivalence kind of fruit
juices, this old home made fruit-herb juice we were given to drink, dry fruits and home made
cookies were our snacks when I grow up,
even school picnic all other children were having nice cool fashionable snacks that from local supermarkets, or
brought from near big cities, i.e. all sort of candy sweets, drinks et al but I
was forced to have old boring things,- I was so envy of a girl whose parent owned a candy shop at near school she always had sweets and chewing gum blow up( her mouth was always untidy I must say), I was never allowed to my pocket money spend in such nice things- everything home
made cookies( I was so ashamed of them with peer pressure!) not only mentioned hand me down complete out of dated old cloths from previous generation I am not so sure
that has done good thing or bad things to
me, disregard my wishes
to be part of trend, psychology damaged they never thought of… but for sure I was so ashamed of them so much but now I miss them so much... there no way home made snacks( out of question how to make them) are same as buying these thing from market even if they are look same!