Saturday, January 7, 2012


From Foreign Affairs An Interesting Article about Managing Pentagon: Why Panetta's Pentagon Cuts Are Easier Than You Think

The Pentagon was not always so poorly run. It has had fewer management problems whenever the administration has brought in a strong deputy secretary as the chief operations officer (the secretary usually being too busy to manage the department). For example, President Dwight Eisenhower had Charles Wilson from General Motors, Richard Nixon had David Packard from Hewlett-Packard, Jimmy Carter had Charles Duncan from Coca-Cola, and George H.W. Bush had Donald Atwood, also from General Motors.

Meanwhile, Pentagon leaders have repeatedly failed to penalize defense contractors for cost overruns. They did not lack the tools to do so: In the 1980s, Congress passed a law mandating that weapons programs be voided when they exceed cost estimates by 15 to 50 percent, unless the administration requests a waiver on national security grounds. Since 1997, about half of all weapon-systems projects breached this law, and yet most were allowed to move into full production.

…he needs to get a new team, especially a new deputy secretary of defense. Packard could serve as a good model. In 1968, when Melvin Laird, a Republican congressman from Wisconsin, was appointed secretary of defense, he recognized the need for a great manager. When he asked his advisers to nominate the best one in the country, they named Packard. Laird promptly flew out to California to convince him to take the job. Panetta, or whoever succeeds him, should take note. ...
I think whole world is watching US Defense budget, how they effect on around world, geopolitical view points. Fighting smartly, intelligent, cyberspaces, drone (I love drones they are very cool, no longer science fiction... ) and geopolitical alliances and specially trained marine crops…etc. Managing originations whether that is state owned or privately own all the same. Need a good manager. Then who is a good manager? That is questions.
Mismanaging organizations  is   "만고죄악”( ten thousand traitorous deadly sin).