Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Libyan People’s Army Power !

GOSH Remeber you have alreay now  6,906,427,410 friends!!! dont' forget few minus Gaddafis'!

NATO has said that regional support for such a move would be important, and the European Union has made it clear that it would prefer to see the Arab states back such a step before it takes action. The United States has said a no-flight zone is an option but has argued that the United Nations Security Council will have to approve it, too. ...

So we now only left UN Security Council approval, everyone want hold their hand. NATO and EU was shivering making their own decision for no-fly-zone for flying, passed the baton to the Arab States and they had no problem, making their decision. So it seem it will be kick off soon.  

So now I think  the Libyan People’s Army focus recruiting and training, full defence not attacking. Bidding time, it is matter of time now. Also one of State oil company also spend oil revenue for the Libyan Republic.

Yes the Three Week Old Revolution achieved a lot, the international support:

The Foreign Relations  also has been estblised
Libya protests: Diplomatic options

Meantime the  Libyan Republic Council ask outsiders to assist for their telecommunication system e.g. satellite system,  among other many things.

I see this LNC page Italy withdrew their support fot the Council, that is very opportunistic, it was sitting on the fence and now bit LPA setback they withdrew.  Italy support gaddafi 41 years,  30%  oil import from Libya Italy colonised Libyan for 35 years.  After 360 years under Ottoman Empire. History indicates that, Italy don’t want to the People of Libyan win this revolution. Ofcourse Libyan people never forget their history.  When the Chief of the Libyan Republic was interviewed by CNN, you can see the picture of Omar Mukhtar behind him, the picture is clearly to be seen, this is profound symbolic meaning to  the Libyan People. Symbol of their struggle to convey to the world, centuries of centuries,  their soil, their sovereign right, strip off destroyed by their colonial masters. "It is time we take control of our soil and our sovereign right!” it says.  Italy action is very short sighted and opportunistic should be condemned and the Libyan People never forgive forget that. Italy you will be deeply regret your thoughtless feeble wisdom soon!  

 God bless Arab League!!
Mind you I am fixable my believe system as I believes everything except what I don’t believe.

Funeral for  Ali Hassan al-Jaber from Al Jazeera

The below image from Al Jazeera

The LPA  Fighters have everything: campfires, trucks weapon, a lovely dusk, a cooking pot, a blanket and of course their own free Soil!

The LPA Emad al-Giryani Funeral